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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tea Tree and Lavender Save Cost of Trips to the Doctor

It has been over a year since I attended my first class with Jacque. I knew what she was teaching was true, that we truly do create the environment of our lives, and she had information toat would help me to make wise choices as a mother for my health and the health of my family. Since that meeting I have been more confident in my journey to better health. I have learned to choose wisely with Jacque's help along the way. I have seen many miracles, however big or small, in myself and others since learning about essential oils. Example: My 2 year old daughter was teething, had pink eye, and a yeast infection all at the same time. I knew that Tea Tree with Lavender and a carrier oil would help the yeast infection and that Lavender highly diluted would help the pink eye. I called Jacque to make sure I understood how to use both, and also for my peace of mind. Both conditions only lasted two days, and we didn't have to go to the doctor once. I know I can help my family more now as I continue to educate myself with Jacque. It has been an amazing blessing in my life. Thank you Jacque." Stacy

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