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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Anti-Aging NIGHT CREAM Recipe

This evening neck cream is rich in skin-conditioning oils. For soft, smooth skin, massage a small amount into your face and neck nightly. 
       2 tablespoons coconut oil
       1 tablespoon olive oil
       1 tablespoon grated cocoa butter
       1 teaspoon vitamin E oil

       3 drops Lavender essential oil
       3 drops Geranium essential oil

1. Mix all ingredients in a small pan and heat gently on the stovetop until the mixture warms and just begins to melt.

2. Remove from heat and stir until completely melted and mixed.

3. Add the essential oils, and stir quickly (if you add more essential oils, you will need more cocoa butter.

3. Pour into a clean jar with a lid.

3. Massage a small amount into your neck and face at night before going to bed.


Some of the most natural ways to get rid of age spots start with opening your pantry or refrigerator door.
Apple cider vinegar contains sulfur that can fight aging. The high acid content in apple cider vinegar also makes it an excellent skin exfoliant. Dab some on your age spots before bedtime. If the solution stings too much, leave the vinegar on for 30 minutes then wash it off.
Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to age spots twice daily for a few months. The citric acid in lemons provides a natural bleaching agent that will diminish the appearance of the spots.
• Raw fruit such as papaya pulp and pineapple contain enzymes that can accelerate skin exfoliation when used over time. Dab onto skin with a cotton ball.
Yogurt contains lactic acid, which can lighten and exfoliate skin. Apply a thin layer of yogurt to age spots and let sit for 20 to 30 minutes.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Thoughts and words that we feed into our mind also create “side effects” in our body. Toxic words and thoughts can be just as damaging to our overall health as the material toxic substances that we ingest.

“Sankalpa Samma Vaca” translates fron Sanskrit to “right speech, right action.” Right speech (Samma Vaca) is a skillful verbal act; a virtue that can be cultivated. We can take toxicity out of words we say to others as well as what we tell ourselves mentally (our inner dialog). Therefore, our words are not self-afflicting or afflicting others. We abstain and cleanse ourselves from lying, divisive and abusive speech, as well as idle chatter and gossip.

There is a subtle intention (Sankalpa) to cleanse and filter our words as well as our thoughts. Cultivating right speech in our thoughts leads to our inner dialog. If the inner dialog is nourishing, then what we say and do becomes our outer dialog. Our words will be true and reliable. They will unite and create harmony and will be soothing to the ear, affectionate and polite. They are spoken words that can heal because they are words worth treasuring. Our words are relevant and connected to the goal of uplifting and worthwhile communication. This builds healthy relationships with self and others.

There are five keys to right speaking:
  1. Right timing ~ Communication is uplifting and adds to the spirit of unity, wisdom and connection. It is given freely with no expectations attached. Words are spoken as a response when asked for rather than opinions that are forced upon another. Timing is right because the spoken words create a result of unity and connection. 
  2. Truth ~ There should be no intent to deceive, exploit, control or lead astray when speaking with others. Respect comes where true words are spoken whether or not there is agreement. The intention is pure with no hidden agendas. 
  3. Affection ~ Nourishing words are being used with love and gentleness. The intention is to understand rather than be understood, to build and support and create heartfelt connections. 
  4. Beneficial ~ What you say adds value rather than detracting and being self-serving. Speech is uplifting; you are open to new ideas and adding to the focus of the goal. 
  5. Goodwill ~ Words that come from the heart have a very healing effect.  Kindness out returns with kindness in.
The goal of communication is creating connections - so the statements you make to others as well as to yourself are best when they come from a place of peace, love, happiness and harmony. Words can be firm and to the point yet delivered in a way that is not offensive or damaging and hurtful to the soul. This type of conscious speaking is reflecting on words before, during and after speaking them so the outcome helps bring people closer together or closer to the desired outcome. Be conscious of the best use of words--anything less than your best requires a break to consider how you can re-phrase your words to be conscious of right speech. If you realize you may have said something that may have offended or hurt someone, be quick to apologize. Use this practice to change your behavior in your thoughts (inner speech) and your words (outer speech). It is so worth the effort to cleanse, nourish and heal your mind/body connection as well as unite your outer connections with friends, family and associates.
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