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Thursday, October 24, 2019



We are essentially composed of 10 trillion protein cells - -  holding mostly water that is saturated with 100 trillion friendly bacteria that live and work synergistically with us. 

This friendly flora (bacteria) lines our gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes, and skin in such colonial great numbers as to impede the adherence and entrance of dangerous enemy bacteria (pathogens). We feed it with our mucosa and by consuming essential root vegetables and it excretes essential vitamins for our use, especially Vitamin B-12.  There exist over 400 varieties of micro-flora in our bodies each performing different functions for our well-being. One example would be the flora oxalobacter formigenes which breaks down oxalates in foods like spinach.  Without the presence of these bacterium, a person would be subject to kidney stone formation. 

Having compromised intestinal flora contributes to inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Colitis, Crohn’s disease, and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  Healthy intestinal flora can prevent bowel cancer. Another study showed that increased milk-fat in the diet contributed to breast cancer, however, with the substitution of yogurt, with its friendly flora there was a decreased risk of breast cancer. 

High levels of intestinal flora can counter the ammonia that is released in the intestines from the breakdown of proteins, especially from red meats.  High levels of micro-flora are essential in the transportation or assimilation of nutrients through the intestines and the blocking of toxins. Although cholesterol is a nutrient manufactured in the liver (essential for hormone production), the intestinal flora can block and break down oxidized cholesterol which occurs in the processing of animal products. Does good bacterium also protect the vessels and heart?

Scientists tracking Indian migration to England noted a Vitamin B-12 deficiency in migrants who ate the same as residents in India, with normal B-12 levels. They noted that the bacteria genera Klebsiella and Pseudomonas produced some B-12 in the residents and further noted a lack of intestinal flora in migrants and all western inhabitants. The same results were noted in Iranian villagers, who ate dairy once a week and ate meat once a month yet had adequate B-12 levels. This research is invaluable in answering the question “If Vitamin B-12 is so important to our health and mental well-being, why isn’t it widely available in our food supply?” The answer is because it is manufactured by our intestinal flora. 

These scientists’ conclusions didn’t address how antibiotics can destroy our intestinal flora, thus sabotaging our manufacturing of B-12.  Instead, they attributed the difference in B-12 levels, between the migrants from India and the residents still in India, to the consumption of fecal matter in the food.

We can conclude from science that if we destroy our friendly flora, we become deficient in nutrients and more subject to disease. The same goes for animals that are given antibiotics, they also cannot create Vitamin B-12.  There is an epidemic of B-12 deficiency in vegans and carnivores alike. If we rely on our 100 trillion bacterial friends, use garlic and herbal antibiotics for infections, and reserve pharmaceutical antibiotics for life-threatening situations our bodies should be able to have the energy vitamins that we need from our food.    

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