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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

HEADACHES and MIGRAINES, herbs and essential oils

Headaches and Migraines can be very debilitating, so taking steps to find the source is worth the effort.  A common cause of headaches is dehydration.  Drinking sufficient Water is the first place to start when trying to reduce the frequency of headaches.  

Eliminating caffeinated and energy drinks (requiring detox) helps many people to overcome headaches, due to the build-up of toxins that they create.  Others find that they need caffeine to dilate the vessels that have been constricted.  Not all people who suffer from migraines will respond to one treatment because the cause can come from many sources.

Hormone Inbalance:  Women suffer from this condition nearly 3 times more than men. Approximately one third of women who get migraines have them just prior to or during menstruation. Hormonal fluctuations of estrogen and progestin are thought to trigger these migraines.  Vitex (Chaste Berry) herb helps to balance hormones levels so that there is not such a great surge as the body goes through menstruation.  Vitex, taken in capsule form, needs to be taken over a long period of time (months) to build the desired balancing effect.

Headaches are a warning signal to indicate that there is a disturbance in some part of the body, such as:
  • ·        insufficient minerals in the body to support strong neck bones (calcium and magnesium with Vitamin D for absorption) causing compression of vertebrae
  • ·        digestive disorders in the stomach, liver or bowel (faulty elimination, and the toxic wastes reaches the stomach nerves).
  •       sinus blockages (use Eucalyptus essential oil across the bridge of the nose, in front of ears and around ears.)
  • ·        concussion
  • ·        eye strain (have vision checked)
  • ·        nervousness, excitement, panic, fear, or worrying about the unknown  and, as discussed above, hormone fluctuations and dehydration


Feverfew (Tenacetum parthenium) is a well-studied herb for the treatment of migraines and has been used successfully.  Capsules are the easiest way to take Feverfew, as it is very bitter.  If you have the pretty plant growing in your garden, 1-4 fresh leaves can be eaten daily for prevention by putting the leaves on a slice of buttered bread, folded in half (like a sandwich).  Feverfew seems to work best when taken consistently over time.

Cayenne increases circulation to all parts of the body and helps open the vascular system for those whose headaches come from tightening of vessels (restricted blood flow).  Taking cayenne capsules or ½ teaspoon followed by water or juice has proven helpful for migraines.  Also Capsaicin from the juice of fresh peppers was applied in the nostril of a group suffering from cluster headaches. This treatment significantly reduced the number of headaches and some were completely cured. 

Ginger:   Some studies have compared the efficacy of ginger for the treatment of migraine headaches to Imitrex (a top selling drug). One-eighth of a teaspoon of powdered ginger works as well and as fast as the drug when given at the onset of the migraine. Using ginger daily also helped prevent migraines or decrease their frequency and intensity.

Valerian, Skullcap and Lobelia (Nervine herbs):  Stress induced migraines are prevented by using a strong nervine tea or capsules on a regular basis helps to prevent stress-related headaches.  Also, essential oils of Geranium, Bergamot, Chamomile (a drop on the back of the neck and on the temples – then rub the finger under the nose, inhaling) are helpful to reduce stress headaches.

MindTrac herbal blend by Dr. Christopher:  Some migraines are due to low serotonin levels. Using MindTrac along with exercise, fresh air and sunshine helps to naturally increase serotonin levels.

Chiropractic Adjustments:  Make sure that there is not a misalignment in the neck that would pinch nerves that create headaches.  It may take multiple adjustments to achieve the desired stability. 

To help with head pain, ESSENTIAL OILS (pure, medicinal quality) of Peppermint and Marjoram can be applied to the temples and back of neck to stop pain and to relax constricted muscles.  A drop of Chaste Berry can be applied daily to the inside and outside ankle bones to help balance hormones levels.  To have the desired effect use oils from a reputable source that you know you can trust.  For nervousness and anxiety use Geranium on the temples and back of the neck (as well as the mid-back at waistline for adrenal stress.  Vitamin B complex also helps with emotional balancing.

Digestive Enzymes (herbs) such as Papaya (in capsules) with each meal (especially those containing meat proteins).

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