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Thursday, November 13, 2014


How is the AIR QUALITY in your home?  In these times people are spending more time indoors (80-90%) - and should there be a time where we HAD to be indoors, the environment inside needs to be understood.  How many chemicals are affecting your health from your home?  Indoor air pollution is associated with numerous ailments including asthma, headaches, chemical hypersensitivity and even cancer.  Carpet, furniture and household cleaners can create concentrations of many pollutants that are 2-5 times greater than outdoor levels. This is particularly concerning because many newer buildings are more efficiently sealed in the interest of energy efficiency. 
Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’

We can count on plants to help create healthier indoor air. NASA researchers studied the ability of houseplants to purify the air and remove toxic agents such as benzene (in glue, paint and auto fumes); formaldehyde (in particleboard, paper and carpets); and trichloroethylene (in paint stripper and spot remover). Here is a list of air-filtering plants that will improve the health of your house!

Air-Cleaning Plants

Aloe Vera: This purifying plant from South Africa is shown to clear the air of benzene and formaldehyde, both known human carcinogens. Unlike most plants, aloe releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide at night, making it ideal for bedrooms. Aloe gel is also medicinal, used externally to treat burns and internally for numerous ailments. It is a sun-loving plant; beware of overwatering it.
Areca Palm: This palm, native to Madagascar, is among the best plants for removing a variety of toxins, especially formaldehyde. It likes bright, indirect light. Because of a high transpiration rate, it adds a lot of humidity to the air and needs to be watered regularly. This plant does not tolerate neglect; its tips will turn brown when moisture, light, temperature and fertilizer levels are not ideal.
Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’: This is one of the best plants for clearing formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Although native to tropical Africa, this plant adapts well to indoor environments and can even endure some neglect. It likes moderate to bright indirect light. Water after the soil begins to dry out, and use a pot with drainage holes to avoid soggy soil.
Dragon Tree: Native to Madagascar, this tree can grow up to 6 feet tall and is among the best plants for removing xylene, trichloroethylene and toluene (the latter is a solvent and additive to gasoline). This is another one of many houseplants belonging to the Dracaena genus and comes in four main varieties. It likes moist soil at all times, but not soggy soil. Keep the plant in semishade, and avoid strong, direct light.
English Ivy: An excellent choice for removing formaldehyde, benzene and even airborne fecal matter, this native of Asia, Europe and North Africa is somewhat difficult to grow indoors. It prefers moist air, so mist leaves regularly when humidity is low and keep in bright light. Beware that the leaves are poisonous to pets and humans when ingested.
English Ivy
Ficus ‘Amstel King’: Adept at clearing formaldehyde and a good general air purifier, the new ficus cultivar Ficus alii is rapidly gaining popularity. Native to Thailand, this plant is related to weeping fig, but less finicky and with long pointed leaves. Water thoroughly, allowing the top half-inch of soil to dry out between waterings, and provide bright, indirect light.
Gerbera Daisy: This lovely plant from Africa adds a splash of color to the room and removes a variety of chemical vapors from the air, notably formaldehyde and benzene. It makes a delightful plant in the summer garden, and if brought indoors in the fall, it may continue to flower through the winter. This is a relatively difficult indoor plant that requires bright light and moderate temperatures.
Peace Lily: This lily is adept at removing a variety of alcohols and chemical vapors, including acetone, benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde and xylene, and it scored among the top plants tested for removing several toxins. This easy-to-grow lily can raise humidity levels by up to 5 percent, a helpful feat in dry climates. They enjoy semisun to semishade and being watered a lot at once, then being allowed to dry out.
Rubber Plant: This handsome houseplant from southeast Asia, known botanically as Ficus elastica, is near the top of the list for removing formaldehyde. Under proper conditions, a rubber plant can reach a height of 8 feet. Rubber plant is extremely forgiving. Ideally, it prefers bright, indirect light; regular watering; and mist on its leaves when the air is dry.
Snake Plant (also known as mother-in-law’s tongue): Native to West Africa, this evergreen perennial clears smog, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air. Like aloe, the snake plant produces oxygen and removes carbon dioxide at nighttime, making it ideal for bedrooms and other low-light rooms. This plant can withstand considerable neglect and infrequent watering.
Spider Plant: This flowering perennial is native to Africa and removes smog, formaldehyde, benzene and xylene—found in auto exhaust, synthetic perfume and paint. A NASA study found this plant can remove 96 percent of the carbon monoxide and 99 percent of the nitrogen dioxide within a sealed chamber. This resilient plant thrives in a variety of environments. It prefers medium to bright light, but avoid extended amounts of direct sun.
Weeping Fig: These popular tropical trees, known botanically as Ficus benjamina, are excellent at removing a variety of pollutants, including formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. They come in three main varieties: a bush, a standard tree and a braided tree with entwined trunks. Weeping fig has a tendency to drop its leaves when moved. They enjoy full to semi-sun and moist soil.

4 Benefits of Indoor Plants

Higher Oxygen Levels: During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Plants add oxygen to indoor air during the day. At night, most absorb some oxygen and release carbon dioxide. A few types of houseplants release oxygen at night—mainly succulents, moth orchid, dendrobium orchid, snake plant and bromeliads—making them ideal companions for the bedroom.
Lower Mold and Bacteria Counts: A home filled with lots of houseplants has 50 to 60 percent fewer mold spores and bacteria. Houseplants emit substances called phytochemicals that suppress these microbes in indoor environments.
Improved Mood: Studies from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, found that indoor plants reduce anger by 44 percent, anxiety by 37 percent, fatigue by 38 percent and depression by 58 percent. Amazingly, just one plant can make a difference.
Natural Humidifier: Plants release moisture through their leaves. Use plants to keep indoor air within the ideal humidity range. Palms and ferns in particular have high transpiration rates. Most indoor plants prefer higher humidity and may need their leaves misted with water for optimum health.   From Mother Earth Living magazine Nov 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Acupressure and Essential Oils for Grief, Loss, Anxiety

Acupressure for Grief, Depression, Anxiety and Exhaustion

LETTING GO - Acupressure Points – Lung 1 

Lung 1, called “Letting Go”, is located on the upper outer portion of the chest, three finger widths below the collarbone.  Use your fingertips to press the Letting Go acupressure points (Lu 1).  Inhale slowly and deeply as you gradually release your finger pressure, bring your arms outward, lift your chest, and tilt your head back. Hold your breath for a few second to assimilate the oxygen.  Exhale as your head comes downward and your fingertips return to the Lung 1 acupressure points. Repeat this exercise four or five more times.

When we experience emotional imbalance due to loss, exhaustion, sluggishness, depression, anxiety, overwhelmed, unmet expectations, or despondency our bodies gives us signs that an energy imbalance within us needs attention.  Our bodies are wanting to open up instead of holding pain. 

Massaging, thumping or rubbing Acupressure points can help, and when we combine them with breathing deeply and thoughts of “all is well”, “I can move forward” and “I am strong and have learned the lessons of that experience”…  the chemistry within our body changes.   It is helpful to use an essential oil - such as Geranium, Bergamot, Frankincense neat onto the points - as well as inhale it deeply into the amygdala gland.

Deep breathing while holding Lung 1 (Lu 1) opens the respiratory system, clears repressed emotions by being able to breathe deeply again, and thus releases grief, emotional holding, frustration, and anger.  We need to move forward, and massaging these Lung points can allow us to let go of things that are reducing the joy and function in our lives.

Holding the Lung 1 acupressure points releases emotional pain, numbness, heartache, sadness, and depression by increasing the body’s ability to breathe more deeply and assimilate the vital energy you get from oxygen. Holding these acupressure points while you breathe deeply can release tears and free your spirit.

These acupressure points on both sides of your can facilitate letting go of grief, a natural response to loss, which is an inevitable aspect of life. When you lose someone or something you love, these acupressure points open the grieving process to let go and move on in a good way. Grieving is an emotional purification; crying opens the breath, allows you to let go, and renews your spirit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

HERBS FOR YOUR HOME GARDEN - Easy to grow - my favorites!

Herbs for health and happiness!

Dill (Anethum graveolens). An enthusiastic plant in most environments, dill can reach at least shoulder-high, with large, bright-yellow flower heads. Its ferny leaves and feathery flowers make it a pretty garden filler in any setting, but it is a healing herb. Dill has been used throughout the ages as a remedy for babies’ colic, but it is also a calming herb that settles digestion even in adults and helps promote a calm sleep. Dill seed essential oil is antibacterial and is easy to use by putting a drop into a baby's belly button and massaging the tummy clockwise.  Chewing a few seeds after a meal will freshen your breath while it helps your digestion.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare).  Fennel is a cousin to ferny dill, a large, lovely plant that easily can reach a height of 5 feet. All parts of fennel are edible and provide a mild licorice or anise flavor. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years to freshen breath, aid digestion, soothe colic, balance the appetite, and relieve bloating and gas. It can also help relieve coughs and sore throats when gargled. In many parts of North America, it grows wild and weedy; it’s fond of full sun and doesn’t need rich soil.   Note: Fennel also is a favorite food of the swallowtail butterfly. If you see a tiger-striped green and black caterpillar on your fennel, for the sake of the butterfly, let the caterpillar be. Fennel essential oil is used to help balance blood sugar for Type 2 diabetes formulas (mix with Coriander and Dill in capsules - and rub Cypress on the feet to help circulation).

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita or Chamaemelum nobile). Happy-go-lucky chamomile flowers have graced home gardens for centuries and its apple-scented tea has worked for generations to calm the nervous system and soothe digestion, particularly in children. The two major varieties are German (M. recutita, formerly M. chamomilla) and Roman or English (C. nobile). Though they have different growing habits (German is taller, with less dense foliage; Roman hugs the ground and makes a pretty, aromatic groundcover), their medicinal applications are practically interchangeable. In the garden, chamomile tends to bolt quickly and shrivel in intense summer sun. Germany’s herbal regulatory body, called the Commission E, has approved chamomile for relieving digestive spasms and inflammation.  It eases bloating and indigestion after meals, can ease heartburn, and is a useful remedy for mouth ulcers and canker sores. It has been shown to enhance the healing of skin, to help prevent infection and has been used since ancient times to wash wounds and sores—a practice now once-again recognized by science.  Note: Those with intense ragweed allergies should introduce chamomile slowly, as the two plants are relatives.  Essential oil of Chamomile is very anti-inflammatory, and helpful when rubbed onto any areas of inflammation and soreness - plus it is very calming when a drop is rubbed onto the temples or back of the neck.

Lemon Balm or Melissa (Melissa officinalis). A favorite of bees everywhere (Melissa is Greek for “bee”), Lemon balm has been popular among herbalists for thousands of years and is a utility herb that’s good in so many ways, that it’s a challenge to categorize. It is a member of the aggressive-growing mint family, so grow it in an enclosed space.  This aromatic healer is high in essential oil content and is used to reduce fevers and treat colds, to calm the digestive tract, to relieve spasms related to cramps and headaches, and to overcome insomnia. It improves mood and mental performance and is approved by Commission E as an effective treatment for cold sores. Lemon balm will wilt in the hot sun and likes to sprawl in more shady spots. It is an excellent herb for the home gardener because it is best used fresh due to its volatile oils’ tendency to dry quickly once it’s picked.  As an essential oil it is mostly used for emotional uplift.

Peppermint (Mentha xpiperita). Peppermint has been cultivated for thousands of years, though the mint we use today is a relative newcomer, according to herb expert and author Steven Foster. It’s easy to grow from cuttings (not seeds), and any little bit of runner with a node will produce a new plant - spreading voraciously.  Plant in an enclosed area Versatile peppermint is used for indigestion, irritable bowels, colds and coughs, muscle aches and tension headaches. Peppermint's essential oil contains substances that relieve muscle spasms and inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses (this is very tested!). Menthol is its primary constituent, giving this hardy perennial its signature scent and unmistakable flavor. Dry peppermint leaves throughout the growing season and you’ll have an aromatic, uplifting and digestion-settling tea all winter.   

Calendula (Calendula officinalis). Calendula is a cheerful flower that adds yellow color to your garden - plus gives you medicinal skin and tissue healing properties!  It is a wonderful emollient herb  that is used in lotions, salves and ointments for chapped skin, dermatitis, minor cuts and burns, insect bites, diaper rash and even hemorrhoids. Popularly known as “pot marigold,” calendula grows into handsome bunches of leaves topped by simple daisy-like flowers in tones ranging from yellow and gold to deep orange. Calendula grows from seed and likes sun. It requires loose soil, but doesn’t need it heavily fertilized or rich. It’s a perfect plant to grow in containers and will self-sow in your garden. Note: Do not confuse calendula with the common garden marigold, genus Tagetes. Calendula flowers are edible and have very little scent; Tagetes have a stronger scent and are inedible and medicinally impotent.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).  Yarrow is a member of the Aster family and is known throughout the Northern Hemisphere as a perennial weed that grows alongside roadsides, meadows and “wastelands.”  It grows best in higher altitudes. The genus name Achillea is taken from the legend that Achilles made a poultice of the plant to stanch his soldiers’ wounds during the Trojan War. Achilles was onto something: Yarrow contains an alkaloid that actually does stop the flow of blood. The plant also contains more than 120 other components, some of which calm muscle spasms, reduce pain, ease digestion, calm anxiety and reduce inflammation. Yarrow is an easy plant for beginners, requiring no care and remaining pest-free and winter-hardy in Zones 3 through 9. It’s a pretty, ferny plant in the garden, with clusters of tiny white, ivory or pale pink flowers that bloom from early summer into early fall. For minor cuts, wash the wound thoroughly (yarrow isn’t antiseptic), then crush some leaves in the palm of your hand and apply to the cut to stop the bleeding. Note: Try yarrow on a small spot of skin first, as some people experience an intense allergic reaction to it.

Lavender (Lavandula spp.). Lavender is the MOTHER herb - nurturing, gentle and healing.  Its essential oil complements and enhances any blend.  The Lavender plant's needs are simple: It wants alkaline soil, several hours of hot sunlight a day and dry feet—meaning keep its soil well-drained and don’t overwater it.  If you meet these criteria and work with your local nurseries or regional online sources, you’ll find plenty of lavender options that will grow in your area. You can use the fragrant essential oil of English lavender (L. angustifolia) in do-it-yourself lotions, salves, balms, soaps and vinegars. Its uses in aromatherapy for calming and relaxation are well-documented, as are its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, known since ancient times. It is licensed in Germany as a standard medicinal tea for sleep disorders and nervous stomach, according to the American Botanical Council (ABC). And bearing in mind the 2012 International Herb of the Year, you might find extra motivation:  Lavender and roses were made for each other. Note: Mexican lavender (L. stoechas), commonly used in landscaping, is not appropriate for medicine or cooking.

Aloe (Aloe vera). If all of the plants alleged to be Cleopatra’s beauty secret were laid end to end, they would reach from here to the Nile. However, in the case of the spiky succulent aloe vera, the odds are good that the femme pharaoh actually did include this skin-nourishing herb in her regimen. The fleshy, lance-leaved plant has been cultivated for its medicinal effects since long before Cleopatra’s reign and is known to be good for sunburn, minor burns and insect bites (no word on its effectiveness against the bite of an asp). The gooey gel found in its leaves soothes irritated skin and eases topical pain, as well as providing antibacterial protection, and its soothing juice has been shown to be effective in treating psoriasis.  Aloe is wonderful in lemonade, and can be blended with ice and honey to make a tummy-and intestinal-soothing drink.  Though many “aloe vera” products can be found on supermarket and pharmacy shelves, many of these products have as much or more water, fruit juice and preservative as herb.   Since the plant is so easy to grow, it makes more sense just to pot up a few and break off a leaf as needed. (Unless you live in a warm and relatively dry climate, aloes do better in pots so you can transfer them into the house when the cold weather hits.)

Sage (Salvia officinalis). The genus name Salvia derives from the Latin salvere (“to be saved”), which gives a good idea of the esteem in which sage has been held over the millennia as a curative herb. Versatile and easy to grow, sage is beautiful in the garden, tasty in the kitchen and a stalwart in the medicine cabinet. With antibiotic and antiseptic properties, it has been prized in treating inflammation in the mouth or throat, including gingivitis and canker sores. Commission E approves sage as a standard medicinal tea for gastrointestinal issues and night sweats, as well as a topical rinse for inflammation. A number of herbalists use sage in their prescriptions for those hallmarks of menopause, hot flashes and night sweats. A perennial that’s best grown from starts, sage likes full sun and doesn’t like to get its feet wet, so make sure the soil is well-drained and not too heavy. For canker sores, or sore throat and tonsils, make a tea with 2 teaspoons dried sage leaves (more if you use fresh leaves), 1 cup boiling water and a dash of salt.

The following plant requires more cold, but is worth trying to grow in Arizona low altitudes in case there is a colder winter:
Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea, E. angustifolia, E. pallida). Many echinacea species are attractive in the garden, but E. purpurea, E. angustifolia and E. pallida are the coneflowers generally recognized as most potent for medicinal use. A member of the aster family, echinacea grows throughout North America.  The Plains Indians used the common prairie species of coneflower (E. angustifolia) as medicine more than any other plant. A large body of research (sometimes contradictory) can be found relating to Echinacea's usefulness in preventing colds and flu. Less ambiguous is its role in helping reduce the length and severity of these common illnesses, as well as its role as supportive therapy for lower urinary tract infections, poorly healing wounds and chronic ulcerations. While most references suggest using Echinacea root for medicinal use, many herbalists recommend making a tea of the fresh or dried flowers of E. purpurea, which contain chemical constituents similar to those of the root. Plants and seeds of E. purpurea are widely available from nurseries and seed houses. The seeds germinate readily, or plants can be easily propagated by dividing the roots. This species does well in any well-drained garden soil, will tolerate up to half shade and is remarkably drought-resistant. On the other hand, Foster says, plants and seeds of E. angustifolia are harder to find, and the seeds germinate much less readily.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

EBOLA VIRUS - Flesh-Eating Virus

EBOLA VIRUS  (Flesh-Eating Virus)

The 2014 WEST AFRICA EBOLA OUTBREAK IS NOW LARGEST IN HISTORY.  The current outbreak in the neighboring countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone has sickened more than 1,300 people and killed more than 700 since March 2014. The outbreak is unusual for West Africa as the disease is typically found in the center and east of the continent.

1. SOME PEOPLE HAVE SURVIVED EBOLA. While the fatality rate for Ebola can be as high as 90 percent, health officials in the three countries say people have recovered from the virus and the current death rate is about 60 percent. Those who fared best sought immediate medical attention and got supportive care to prevent dehydration even though there is no specific medical treatment for Ebola itself.  A plant (herb) that is being studied for the disease is Garcinia kola (Bitter kola), and in laboratory tests it is said to halt the virus in its tracks.  It is a plant that is commonly eaten in West Africa.  Extracts from Garcinia kola seeds were tested against many complex viral diseases. The active compound, now known to be a bioflavonoid, was found to be active against a wide range of viruses including the influenza virus.

2. EBOLA CAN LOOK LIKE OTHER DISEASES. The early symptoms of an Ebola infection include fever, headache, muscle aches and sore throat. It can be difficult to distinguish between Ebola and malaria, typhoid fever or cholera. Only in later stages do people with Ebola begin bleeding both internally and externally, often through the nose and ears.

4. EBOLA IS ONLY SPREAD THROUGH CLOSE CONTACT. The Ebola virus is not airborne, so people would have to come into direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. These include blood, sweat, vomit, feces, urine, saliva or semen — making transmission through casual contact in a public setting unlikely.

Vitamin C and Ebola:  The very first symptoms of Ebola are exactly the same as Scurvy, which is caused by inadequate vitamin C. Though Scurvy is seldom fatal as a primary condition, scurvy also represents only a partial deficiency of vitamin C - - the body still has a LOT of vitamin C compared to zero Vitamin C, which Ebola causes.  Absent ANY vitamin C (which happens quickly in Ebola), blood vessels become very weak and start to lose blood, and platelets become ineffective and unable to trigger clots.  Thus, death by Ebola is caused by massive internal bleeding and loss of blood, which can be stopped simply by taking enormous doses of vitamin C until the immune system succeeds in killing off the virus.

Ebola (initially recognized in 1976) is probably the best known of a class of viruses known as hemorrhagic fever viruses.  The Ebola virus infection, also known as African hemorrhagic fever, has the distinction of having the highest case-fatality rate of the viral infections noted above, ranging from 53% to 88%.  Other less-known, but related, viral syndromes include Yellow fever, Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Rift Valley fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Kyasanur Forest disease, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever, Brazilian hemorrhagic fever, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, and Lassa fever.

These viral hemorrhagic fever syndromes share certain clinical features. The Cecil Textbook of Medicine notes that these diseases are characterized by capillary fragility, which translates to easy bleeding, that can frequently lead to severe shock and death.  These diseases also tend to consume and/or destroy the platelets, which play an integral role in blood clotting. The clinical presentation of these viral diseases is similar to scurvy, which is also characterized by capillary fragility and a tendency to bleed easily.  Characteristic skin lesions develop, which are actually multiple tiny areas of bleeding into the skin that surround the hair follicles.  Some cases even include bleeding into already healed scars.

In the classic form of Scurvy that evolves very slowly from the gradual depletion of vitamin C in the body’s stores, the immune system will be sufficiently compromised for infection to claim the patient’s life before the extensive hemorrhage that occurs after all vitamin C stores have been completely exhausted.  Ebola virus and the other viral hemorrhagic fevers are much more likely to cause hemorrhaging before any other fatal infection has a chance to become established.  This is because the virus so rapidly and totally metabolizes and consumes all available vitamin C in the bodies of the victims that an advanced stage of scurvy is literally produced after only a few days of the disease.  The Scurvy stage in Ebola is so complete that the blood vessels generally cannot keep from hemorrhaging long enough to allow an infective complication to develop.   

The viral hemorrhagic fevers typically only take hold and reach epidemic proportions in those populations that would already be expected to have low body stores of vitamin C, such as is found in many of the severely malnourished Africans.  In such individuals, an infecting hemorrhagic virus will often wipe out any remaining vitamin C stores before the immune systems can get the upper hand and initiate recovery.  When the vitamin C stores are rapidly depleted by large infecting doses of an aggressive virus, the immune system gets similarly depleted and compromised. However, this point is largely academic after hemorrhaging throughout the body has begun.

Dr. Robert Cathcart (1981), who introduced the concept of bowel tolerance to vitamin C, hypothesized that Ebola and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers may well require 500,000 mg of vitamin C daily to reach bowel tolerance! Whether this estimate is accurate, it seems clear as evidenced by the scurvy-like clinical manifestations of these infections that vitamin C dosing must be vigorous and given in extremely high doses.  If the disease seems to be winning, then even more vitamin C should be given until symptoms begin to lessen. Obviously, these are viral diseases that would absolutely require high doses of vitamin C intravenously as the initial therapy. The oral administration should begin simultaneously, but the intravenous route should not be abandoned until the clinical response is complete. Death occurs too quickly with the hemorrhagic fevers to be conservative when dosing the vitamin C.   (see Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy MD JD)

The controversial Dr. Frederick R. Klenner demonstrated on thousands of patients that intravenous Vitamin C in mega doses eradicates viral diseases.  However, not all viruses have been treated with Klenner-sized vitamin C doses, or at least the results have not been published.  Ebola viral infection and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers appear to be diseases that fall into this category.  Because of the seemingly exceptional ability of these viruses to rapidly deplete vitamin C stores, even larger doses of vitamin C than what Klenner used, would likely be required in order to effectively reverse and eventually cure infections caused by these viruses.

According to Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, "health" occurs when there is an ample flow and interchange of electrons in your cells. Impaired or poor electron flow and interchange equals "disease," and when the flow and interchange ceases entirely, your cells die.

·        Oxidation, caused by free radicals in your body, involves the loss of electrons.

·        Antioxidants counter the disease process caused by oxidation (loss of electrons) by supplying electrons.

·        Vitamin C is a major antioxidant, and according to Dr. Levy, perhaps the most important "electron donor" to maintain optimal electron flow in your cells.

Using vitamin C to combat infectious diseases is not new.  In 2005, the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource), published findings that vitamin C beats Bird flu and other viruses, stating that:  "High dose vitamin C is a remarkably safe and effective treatment for viral infections.  In high doses, vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, helps kill viruses, and strengthens your body's immune system.  Taking supplemental vitamin C routinely helps prevent viral infections."

For severe types of influenza, such as Bird flu (Avian flu), they recommend the following dosages:  "Severe cases may require 200,000 to 300,000 milligrams of vitamin C or more, given intravenously (IV) by a physician.  This very high dosing may be needed since the Avian Flu appears to consume vitamin C very rapidly, similar to an acute viral hemorrhagic fever, somewhat like an Ebola infection."   They even state that vitamin C, at saturation, can replace antiviral drugs.

Three other sources discussing the remarkable benefits of vitamin C for infectious diseases such as the flu:

1. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1999 found that Vitamin C in mega-doses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group.

2. The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, MD states that cases of influenza, encephalitis, and measles were easily cured with vitamin C injections and oral doses.

3. Orthomed.com – Dr. Robert Cathcart, MD, also offers personal case studies where intravenous administration of vitamin C turned out to be lifesaving in cases of acute flu complications.  "It is not really a matter of medicine; it is a matter of chemistry.  Doses of ascorbate which are massive enough to force a reducing redox potential into tissues affected by the disease will always neutralize the free radicals," he says.

Foods such as Broccoli are absolutely excellent for assisting the clotting of blood and are strongly anti-viral. Leafy green vegetables are among the best sources of vitamin K, which is named for the German word for "coagulation," according to the Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center. The primary function of vitamin K in your body is as an essential component in the coagulation cascade, or series of steps that leads to blood clotting.  A serving of spinach, broccoli, kale, parsley or chard each provides at least 100 percent of the daily value, and you can also get vitamin K from soybean oil.

Salmon and sardines with the bones, as well as calcium-fortified orange juice, cereals, soy products and dairy products can help your blood clot because of their calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral at seven different points in the coagulation cascade that results in blood clotting once you've cut yourself, according to the Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center.

A Word of Caution about Vitamin C Supplements:  It's important to remember that every nutrient you ingest raises or lowers up to nine other nutrients in your body.

Every nutrient needs certain synergistic nutrients, and if you are already low in those synergistic nutrients, taking more of one thing will only further deplete the existing deficient levels, worsening any problems relating to that nutrient's metabolism.

For example, taking large doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on a regular basis lowers your level of copper, so if you are already deficient in copper and take high doses of vitamin C, you can compromise your immune system.

Temporarily taking megadoses of vitamin C supplements to combat a case of the cold or flu is likely not going to cause a problem.  For long-term, daily use, your best bet is to eat a diet high in organic vegetables and fruits that are minimally processed.  Not only will you get vitamin C, but you will get all the other accessory nutrients and micronutrients that are needed to optimize it.

Claims of cures using colloidal silver (while good for bacterial infections) do nothing for viruses, so beware. Colloidal silver’s mode of action (MOA) is to bacteria what cyanide is for all red blooded organisms.  In red blooded organisms, cyanide binds with hemoglobin in place of oxygen, and makes it impossible for blood to carry oxygen.  With enough cyanide, oxygen starvation via cyanide bonded hemoglobin causes death.  Colloidal silver does the same for bacteria, it binds with the oxygen carriers in bacteria permanently, causing bacteria to quickly die from oxygen starvation.  VIRUSES HAVE NO METABOLIC PROCESSES WHICH REQUIRE AN OXYGEN CARRIER, AND THEREFORE COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL BE COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE AGAINST EBOLA.  Do not let the misinformed fool you by saying colloidal silver is effective against viruses in any way.  Colloidal silver is only useful for treating secondary bacterial infections that move in after a preceding viral infection and in the case of Ebola, there is not enough time for that to make a difference.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


We’re Biologically Programmed to Love the Taste of Sweet

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has five tastes: sweet, salty, sour, pungent and bitter. The “sweet” taste corresponds to the energy of the earth, which is “nurturing and maternal” – and helps explain why a bad day invites ice cream and other desserts – humans are looking for comfort and what “feels good”. 
Fruit (nature's candy) was a crucial part of our ancestors' diet.  They ate a lot of fruit when it was available in the summer and fall, since they were about to enter a period of famine during the winter.

 “Sweet” is nature’s way of signaling that the taste is safe.  It also tells you that the food contains energy.  Mother’s milk is sweet and many of the safe herbs are sweet - such as:  stevia, basil, tarragon, astragalus, wild yam, ginseng, licorice, etc.  
Sugar isn’t only sweet, it’s a Narcotic
If you are battling ongoing sugar cravings, there is something else going on.  It’s not as simple as “I don’t have enough willpower” or “I need to stick to a certain diet.”  If you’ve been fighting a losing battle with the highly addictive “white powder” (sugar) you will need to recognize that it once was a plant (sugar beet or sugar cane) - - which was processed into a white powder.  This processing made sugar becomes as addictive as cocaine (which also came from a green plant and was turned into a white powder). 
Physiological Causes of Sugar Cravings
Refined sugar (and refined flour) create a dangerous blood-sugar cycles and problematic reactions in the body: (1) blood sugar goes erratic, resulting in false hunger pangs, (2) the pancreas notices the higher blood sugar and secretes insulin in order to create homeostasis, (3) it sets off an alarm in the body to re-stabilize the blood sugar, (4) which turns on an appetite, which is an unhealthy pattern, (5) a quick fix is refined carbohydrates because to help our body raise our blood sugar quickly - - but these refined carbs go in too quickly, which re-creates a hypoglycemic cycle and keeps turning on hunger.  Horrible! 
Sugar makes our bodies release dopamine and opioids – neurotransmitters that bliss us out (just like drugs).  Our prefrontal cortex (where we reason) is diminished in its ability to help us, and we become addicts.  It’s a lifetime struggle.
Candida is passed in utero to children from their mothers – or it can be created from diets high in sugar and yeast.  Fungal overgrowth in the digestive tract (Candida albicans) can trigger sugar cravings.  Candida (yeast) is fed from sugar and grows throughout the body, causing many physical and emotional problems, such as:  yeast infections, emotional imbalances, adrenal exhaustion, etc.  The fungi feed on sugar and give you the sense that your body is in need – because they must have some!  They are running the brain, and it’s time to take control again!  Candida overgrowth and other medical conditions can be diagnosed by a qualified naturopathic doctor. 
Some herbs and essential oils that help to kill candida are:  Pau d’ arco, Oregano, Thyme, Tea Tree, Lemon and Rosemary.  Redmond Clay and DE (diatomaceous earth) are also very helpful.
Nutritional Causes of Sugar Cravings
Most people who crave sugar really are needing protein.  Their bodies would do best with regular meals (3 hours apart to prevent low blood sugar), with sufficient fat, water and real foods (not processed).  Protein can be obtained in plants – such as avocados, nuts, beans, legumes, eggs, or they can be found in seafood, chicken, turkey, pork and beef.
Water detoxes our cells and prevents dehydration, irritability, sluggishness and cravings.  It is easy to mistake dehydration for hunger!   Food cravings are often a sign of nutrient deficiency so munching on carrots, celery, cucumbers, apples, bananas, and other REAL foods will provide minerals and vitamins that will give the body-signals of satisfaction and satiety.
For a Nutritional Bio Scan that will show you deficiencies in minerals, vitamins, protein, amino acids, digestive weakness and much more – email me at mywellnessaz@gmail.com    www.millenialwellness.com
Lifestyle Reasons for Sugar Cravings
The three major lifestyle reasons for sugar cravings are lack of sleep, lack of exercise and stress.  All three insufficiencies create blood sugar roller coasters which are notorious for awakening sugar demons.  Chronic stress and lack of sleep both cause an increase in cortisol (the fight-or-flight hormone).  When cortisol rises, so does blood sugar.  High cortisol often results in a jittery, anxious sensation, and in that state it’s all too easy to grab cookies, ice cream or some chocolate to medicate. Whether or not you do that, a crash inevitably follows a blood sugar spike, prompting you to reach for a “treat” to get your energy back. It’s a vicious cycle!
Emotional Reasons for Sugar Cravings
People often use sugar to cope with difficult emotions or unmet needs that they may not have even been aware of.  Becoming aware of your emotions and needs is a key first step in ending emotional eating.  Feelings aren’t something you can reason your way out of or simply deny—they need direct attention and compassion.  When we ignore our emotions, they get louder and louder, forcing us to resort to more and more extreme measures to silence them.
If you have an out-of-control sugar demon and you’ve ruled out medical conditions, the only explanation is an emotional reason or habit for eating sugar.  We don’t eat in a compulsive way if everything in our lives is okay!  So if you have found that, despite repeatedly trying various tactics, you continue to return to sugar, consider how your emotions may be impacting the way you eat.
An excellent way to address emotional eating is with an EVOX session.  Email me at mywellnessaz@gmail.com for a one-hour appointment.  See www.millenialwellness.com
Kick It to the Curb Tips
• Don't think you can just say, “I’m never going to have sweets anymore”, because it leads to feeling deprived, which is likely to set off even more sugar intake.  Instead, stop using refined white sugar and experimenting with natural sweeteners such as stevia, honey or maple syrup. Natural sweeteners don’t create the intense physiological reactions and often come packed with minerals and enzymes that support the body’s cellular processes.
• Eat small protein meals throughout the day including meats, vegetables, grains and fruits. 
Also learn to cook nutrient-dense traditional foods such as bone broth, fermented veggies and organ meats.  Make sure each meal includes protein and fat, and keep water close by. Contrary to popular opinion, eight glasses a day is not for everyone. Instead, divide your body weight in half and drink that many ounces.  Caffeine also deregulates blood sugar, which can create cravings – so avoid caffeine.
• If your lifestyle needs an overhaul, start by setting small, manageable goals so you can have success. Then build from there.  Go to sleep at 10 pm each night – for starters.  Then add 3 days of 15 minute exercise per week.  Walking can reduce stress, as you breathe deeply and evenly – focusing on breathing.
• Try meditation.  Sit in a quiet place, take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose, and close your eyes.  As you continue breathing, bring your awareness to any physical sensations that may be occurring in your body. Observe them without judging and without trying to “fix” them.  Spend some time with these sensations, and track them as they shift and change, or as they dissipate, or even increase.
As you keep breathing, now notice any emotions that may be associated with those sensations. Again, just observe with compassion, without trying to figure out, “Why am I feeling this way?” or, “What do I do about it?”  This isn’t about thinking—it’s about feeling.  Spend some time with these emotions. Notice any memories or images that might arise, or whether the emotion shifts and changes.
Putting an essential oil on your toes or by your nostrils will help you associate “feeling good” and bring peaceful and satisfying emotions to replace cravings.  Whenever you are “craving”, reach for your favorite essential oil.  My favorites are:  Bergamot, Geranium, Ylang ylang, Frankincense, Pink Grapefruit, Balsam Fir or blends that contain multiple uplifting essential oils.
An EVOX session (or several sessions) may be just the answer that you are looking for, if you find that your sweet tooth stems from emotional issues or unmet needs.  Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVj2fKWCZkY 


Learning about the mineral ZINC in the body can be a help for those struggling with Thyroid imbalances.  Zinc is required for building and repair in the body.  It is important for healthy hair, nails and skin growth.   When there is lack of zinc there is poor wound healing, mouth ulcers and spots on the nails.  It is also important for bone formation and is used to make the hormone called calcitonin that breaks bone down.  What I used to remember zinc's uses when studying nutrition was "FEET STINK, THINK ZINC"!  It's true ... people with stinky feet are usually zinc deficient.

Zinc is very important for the immune system and people who are deficient often seem to catch one thing after another.  There are studies that show taking zinc can reduce the duration and severity of ills and chills by 50%.  Zinc is an antiviral agent, which is released into the saliva providing a first line of defence against any ingested bugs.  It is depleted rapidly in viral infections as the body uses it quickly to inhibit virus replication, as well as for many other immune defense functions

Signs of Zinc deficiency are white spots on fingernails, hypoglycemia, food and environmental allergies, joint pains (especially knee pain), fatigue, headaches (especially migraine headaches), bowel dysfunction (such as irritable bowel syndrome), easy bruising, dizziness, insomnia, poor memory and difficulty concentrating.  Poor stress control, nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, severe inner tension, episodic anger, poor short-term memory and depression are other common symptoms.

It is well recognized that anxious or angry people have high pyrroles and low zinc.  People with violent behaviors usually have ZINC DEFICIENCY. 

Zinc is essential for hundreds of processes in the body and is particularly important for healing, immune function, digestion, neurotransmitter activation, physical growth, memory, insulin balance and control of blood sugars, DNA replication and more.

Zinc is naturally present in food such as oysters, meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, fish, beans, whole grains and nuts.  Other good sources are pumpkin and sunflower seeds which are great toasted and are cheap and tasty to throw on your salads.  For vegetarians kelp and spirulina would be great sources.
Zinc is important for the thyroid in creating thyroxin and converting T4 to T3
Zinc and B6 are essential for production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin (our happy hormone), melatonin (our sleep hormone), GABA (our relaxation hormone), and acetyl choline (important for memory). They are also involved in production of our steroid hormones such as cortisol (our anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy hormone and stress hormone) and the conversion of oils in the body (fat metabolism, liver and gall bladder issues and weight control). The oils EPA/DHA but mostly GLA are found to be low in those with Pyrrole disorder and are damaged by oxidative stress/free radicals/toxins created by pyrroles. 
Pyrroles are classed as 'nerve poisons' and as such can cause damage to your nerves, nerve cells and tissue, your brain and they can interrupt messages being sent along your nerves especially within your brain.
Pyrrole disorder, also known as pyroluria, kryptopyroluria, kryptopyrole or Mauve disorder is a biochemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis that can be genetic or acquired through environmental and emotional stress and especially from ‘leaky gut syndrome’ (also known as intestinal permeability, a condition whereby microscopic holes occur in your intestinal wall and allow undigested food, bacterial by-products, poisons and toxins to pass into your blood) and the over-use of antibiotics.
Stress of any kind will increases production of pyrroles/HPL which in turn decreases zinc and B6.
Unfortunately Pyroluria is not understood or treated in mainstream medicine - due to the fact that the only way to rectify the problem is by improving the sufferer’s nutritional status, diet, digestion and reducing stress levels.  Allopathic (western) medicine relies on drugs to suppress a symptom or relieve suffering and this form of treatment will not work for a person who has a Pyrrole disorder so most sufferers of Pyroluria fall through the cracks and are often misdiagnosed and given medication or drugs that do nothing to rectify the underlying problem. 

Herbs that contain high Zinc:
Parsley is a common herb used both as a garnish and a flavoring for food. One tbsp. of dried parsley introduces 0.09 mg of zinc into your diet. Because you need 8 to 11 mg of this mineral each day, pair parsley with other zinc-rich foods, including beef shanks, pork shoulder or tenderloin, chicken legs and chickpeas. Zinc positively influences your body's ability to heal after you sustain an injury, so make sure you get the full amount of zinc you need each day for this purpose.
Eat a 1-tbsp. serving of fresh rosemary and you consume 0.02 mg of zinc. Supplement your zinc intake by adding rosemary to pork, chicken breast and fish such as flounder or sole, all of which also provide zinc. Consuming enough zinc is not only linked to good health for you, but is particularly important during pregnancy as it helps support fetal growth. During pregnancy, a woman needs an intake of 11 mg of zinc daily.

For a nutritional bio scan email me at mywellnessaz@gmail.com

Friday, June 6, 2014


Mosquitoes are known to carry many infectious diseases from several different classes of microorganisms, including viruses and parasites. Mosquito-borne illnesses include Malaria, West Nile Virus, Elephantiasis, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever etc. These infections are normally rare to certain geographic areas. For instance Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a viral, mosquito borne illness usually regarded only as a risk in the tropics. However, cases of Dengue Fever have been popping up in the U.S. along the Texas-Mexican border where it has never been seen before.

Mosquitoes can ruin the enjoyment of your summertime enjoyment!  Chemical insect repellents can be absorbed into your bloodstream, bug zappers don't always get the mosquitoes that are after you, and the smoke of incense or candles is irritating to some.

Taking B Complex vitamins (double the dose) and staying away from eating sugar are definite good choices (especially for those with A-blood type! 

Also, mosquitoes don’t like a few easy-to-grow herbs. Grow these six plants around patio areas or keep the crushed leaves in a small container on your patio to repel mosquitoes:

• Catnip (Nepeta cataria). A perennial for some gardeners and an annual for others, catnip has been found to be 10 times more effective than DEET at keeping mosquitoes away. Cats will crush this plant if it is in a garden bed and it has a tendency to become invasive, but keeping a couple of plants in hanging containers helps avoid both problems.

• Marigold (Tagetes spp.). This sun-loving annual also repels aphids and is an excellent companion plant for your vegetable garden. Marigolds are an easy-to-care-for border plant and the simplicity of collecting seeds for next year’s planting makes this plant an affordable addition. Note: Do not rub on skin.

• Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). The oil of this shrub is heavenly to most humans, but disgusting to mosquitoes. It’s an attractive plant for container or herb gardens that requires little water and also is delicious when used for cooking meat, soups and egg dishes.  It thrives in Arizona!

• Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus). This plant has a lemony scent that mosquitoes hate. With a little patience, it can be grown from stalks sold in the market. It prefers full sun and good drainage. Keep in mind that this tropical plant won’t tolerate freezing temperatures.

• Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). This perennial has silvery foliage and can be grown in full sun in most zones. Makes a unique border plant and the pungent odor keeps mosquitoes at bay. Note: Do not rub on skin.

• Mint (Mentha spp.)  Many mints’ oils are unpleasant to mosquitoes, so keep a pot or two of these hardy and aromatic plants around. Since they spread easily, mints are best cultivated in containers.

Except for marigold and wormwood (which can cause contact dermatitis) you can rub the crushed leaves on your skin for added protection. 

If you do get bitten, immediately apply Ravensara essential oil - plus a blend of Rosemary, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, or Thyme onto the area.  Peppermint and Lavender help reduce the itch.  Have a happy mosquito-free summer!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Facts about hydrogen peroxide:      

·        The chemical element is: H202

·        It's made of water and oxygen, with an extra oxygen atom.

·        White blood cells naturally produce hydrogen peroxide.

·        Fruits and Vegetables naturally produce hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation!  Hydrogen peroxide is considered the world’s safest all natural effective sanitizer.  It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process.  When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water.

3% Hydrogen Peroxide Uses:

·        Acne – to help clear up skin, dab pimples with peroxide using a cotton ball.

·        Finger Nails – to whiten, soak a cotton ball with peroxide and rub it on your nails.

·        Hair – to gradually give your hair highlights, mix equal parts peroxide and water and spray on wet hair. Comb the solution through your hair and dry.  Peroxide is a bleaching agent, but you will not have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually so it’s not a drastic change.

·        Mouthwash – instead of purchasing expensive mouthwashes, try using peroxide instead.

·        Teeth – to whiten, hold one capful of peroxide in your mouth for 10 minutes daily.

·        Toothpaste – to make your own, make a paste using peroxide and baking soda.

·        Age Spots and Acne

Healthcare       (always consult a doctor before using hydrogen peroxide as a treatment). 
Your body makes Hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly. White blood cells are known as Leukocytes. A sub-class of Leukocytes called Neutrophils produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and yeast. 

·        Boils – to heal, pour ½ a bottle of peroxide in your bath water.

·        Canker Sores – to prevent, hold one capful of peroxide in your mouth for 10 minutes.

·        Colds – to cure in 24 hours, put a few drops of peroxide in your ear, when the bubbling stops (5-10 minutes), drain onto a tissue. Repeat for the other ear.

·        Colonic – to make your own, add 1 cup of peroxide to 5 gallons of warm water.

·        Corns and Calluses – to soften, soak feet in a solution made of equal parts water and peroxide.

·        Cuts – to keep from getting infected, clean the cut with peroxide.

·        Detox Bath – to rejuvenate, add 2 quarts of peroxide to your bath water. Soak for at least a ½ hour.

·        Ear Infections – to relieve, place 6-8 drops in the affected ear.

·        Ear Wax – to remove, add a couple of drops of warm olive oil followed by a couple of drops of peroxide. Sit with head tilted for several minutes and then flush the ear with warm water.

·        Enema – to make your own, add 1 tablespoon to 4 cups of water.

·        Foot Fungus – to cure, spray a solution made of equal parts peroxide and water to your feet every night.

·        Infections – to heal, soak the infected area in peroxide for 5-10 minutes several times a day.

·        Wound Care - 3% H2O2 is used medically for cleaning wounds and removing dead tissue. Peroxide stops slow (small vessel) wound bleeding/oozing, as well.

·        Some sources recommend soaking infections or cuts for five to ten minutes several times a day. However, washing and rinsing action is sufficient. You shouldn’t leave the solution on open tissue for extended periods of time as, like many oxidative antiseptics, Hydrogen peroxide causes mild damage to tissue in open wounds. Therefore it is important to use with caution.

·        Sinus Infection – to relieve, add one tablespoon of peroxide to non-chlorinated water to be used as a nasal spray.

·        Toothache – to relieve pain, hold one capful of peroxide in your mouth for 10 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide is not a pain killer; however, as an anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent, it is effective at treating the pathogen that is causing the infection. Patients whose dentists want to get root canals report that they rinsed with hydrogen peroxide (several times a day) as well as with coconut oil (once a day). The discomfort went away and there was no further problems with the teeth.

·        Yeast Infections – to control, add 2 capfuls of peroxide to your douche 1-2 time per week.

·        Prevent swimmer's ear - when you have water stuck in your ears, mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide with equal parts rubbing alcohol. Put into ear with a dropper, let sit for a minute and drain. The water will come out with the solution!

·        Bird Mites Infections - People infected by tiny mites report that hydrogen peroxide effectively kills the mites on their skins. They spray it on their skin a couple of times (with a few minutes in between the applications) with amazing results.

·        Cold Sores / Canker Sores

·        Yeast Infections / Athletes Foot / Nail fungus  

General Cleaning

·        Bathroom – to disinfect, fill a spray bottle with equal parts peroxide and water.

·        Counter tops – to kill germs, spray the counter tops with peroxide and wipe with a clean cloth.

·        Grout – to whiten, make sure the grout is dry, then spray a generous amount of peroxide on the grout. Let it sit for 1-2 hours and scrub the area with an old toothbrush and some warm soapy water.

·        Mirrors – for a no steak clean, spray mirrors with peroxide and wipe with a paper towel or newspaper.

·        Mold – to control, clean the area with peroxide.

·        Tile – to remove stains, make a thick paste using flour and peroxide. Apply the mixture to the stain, cover with plastic wrap and let it sit overnight. Rinse clean.

·        Toothbrush – to kill germs, soak your toothbrush in peroxide.


·        Cutting Board – to kill germs, after rinsing off your cutting board, spray it with 50/50 peroxide/water (and then vinegar)  to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

·        Dishrags and sponges – to clean, soak them for 15-30 minutes in a solution using equal parts peroxide and warm water. Rinse.

·        Fruits & Vegetables – to clean, spray them with peroxide (food grade) and let them stand for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.

·        Fruits & Vegetables – for a non-toxic sanitizer, pour peroxide (food grade) into a dark colored spray bottle (light destroys peroxide) and fill another spray bottle with vinegar. Spray your fruits and vegetables with the peroxide and then repeat using the vinegar.

·        Fruits & Vegetables – to neutralize chemicals and prolong freshness, add ¼ cup of peroxide (food grade) to a sink full of cold water. Soak vegetables for 20-30 minutes. Rinse, drain and let dry.

·        Refrigerator – to disinfect, spray the interior with peroxide and wipe with a clean cloth.

·        Salad – to prolong freshness, lightly spray with a solution of ½ cup water and 1 tablespoon of peroxide (food grade).

·        Septic Systems - Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of 3% Hydrogen peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants willLaundry

·        Blood Stains – to remove, pour peroxide on the spot and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rub and rinse with cold water.

·        Clothes – to whiten, add a cup of peroxide to your wash. Peroxide is milder than bleach and will keep your clothes from wearing out as fast.

·        Wine Stain – to remove, mix together equal parts peroxide and liquid detergent. Pour the mixture over the stain. With a clean cloth blot the stain and wash with warm water.

·        Wring Around the Collar – to remove, spray the area with a mixture of 2 parts peroxide and 1 part liquid detergent. Let it sit for an hour before rinsing. *Works great on armpit stains too.


·        Mites – to kill, spray with area with peroxide.

·        Plants – to improve their root system, water them with a mixture of 32 parts water and 1 part peroxide.

·        Seeds – to sprout, soak seeds overnight in a mixture of 1 ounce peroxide and 2 cups water.

·        Dogs/pets encounter a skunk - 16 oz. bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and a tsp. of dish soap

·        Sprouting Seeds – Mix 1 oz peroxide with 1 quart water to soak seeds, and then use again for subsequent rinsings.  This helps reduce mold and fungus.

·        House plants / Outdoor plants

Grades of Hydrogen Peroxide

A)   3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use.  It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn’t be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.

B)   6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is not recommended for internal use.

C)   30% Reagent Grade: This is used for various scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is also not for internal use.

D)   30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and not for internal use.

E)   35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated product than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly in that phosphorus is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used to dilute it.

F)   35% Food Grade: This is used in the production of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products. It is also sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit juices and milk products. THIS IS THE ONLY GRADE RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNAL USE.

G)   90%: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel.

Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% and 40% concentrations of H202. Another reports tells of a 26 month old female who swallowed one mouthful of 35% H202. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, she was under emergency room care and although she experienced erosion and bleeding of the stomach and esophagus, she survived the incident. When she was re-examined 12 days later, the areas involved had healed (J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 90;28(1):95-100).
As with ANY food, drug, or supplement, using the product according to instructions is key to safety.  If someone uses too much, then of course ramifications may be felt.  We’ve NEVER heard of ANY harmful side effects from the correct usage of Food Grade hydrogen peroxide.

35% Food Grade H202 must be….

1. Handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin- immediate flushing with water is recommended).
2. Diluted properly before use.

3. Stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).
One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle.  Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the Freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, aloe vera juice or gel.

(Don’t use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)
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