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Saturday, December 31, 2016


Essential oils are able to enter receptor sites in our bodies (inhaling into the limbic system, topica application through the skin,  or even ingested) to reduce the hyper-sensitive states that we often live in. Essential oils communicate with our cells, just like the peptides that our bodies produce for emotional wellness and hormone balance.  Drugs don’t actually have the ability to help our bodies produce the peptides of well-being, they just shut down the body’s awareness that we are depressed, angry or stressed, plus they can also create destructive side effects.  A healthy diet, rich in good amino acids and B complex vitamins is foundational to emotional wellness. 

Geranium is an“All is well” essential oil, and definitely a first choice for easing anxiety and depression.  It is balancing and uplifting, with a tonifying and energizing effect on the psyche. It calms the adrenal cortex when 3-4 drops are applied (at waistline, just above kidney area), then rub below the nose and inhale deeply.  It is excellent for balancing female complaints and has some hormone-balancing effects, helping PMS, hot flashes and infertility.  Rub 1 drop under each ankle bone am and pm (inside and outside = 4 drops total) 2 times per day. It can quickly stop bleeding from cuts and wounds, and when used in a compress can assist with bruises, broken capillaries, edema, circulation issues, cellulite and skin congestion.  Geranium heals wounds – emotionally and physically.

Bergamot  a powerful essential oil for emotional uplift – and in the essential oil world, we call it “Nature’s Prozac”.  It helps people who are stuck in grief from a terrible loss (such as losing someone we love, etc).  It is light, it is gentle, and a premium grade Bergamot is bergaptene-free to protect from sun-darkening of the skin so it can be used directly on the skin undiluted (neat).  To make a spray mister, add 10-15 drops in a 2 oz mister and fill with distilled water.  It will kill germs in the air, and will help the heart to stay open and to get beyond the grief as you breathe it in.  Apply Bergamot on the heart area neat (2-4 drops) as needed during the day or at bedtime, or several times daily.  Its color is light green when it is a pure, high-quality oil.  Bergamot works well for all emotional imbalances so make sure to smell it deeply, as it works through the amygdala gland in the brain!

Neroli essential oil is from the orange blossom, and is one of the 3-Queens of essential oils!   Neroli is a tonic for the nervous system, and is good for very deep emotional pain, working like Rose essential oil (which is very costly).  It is also a very spiritual oil that helps people who have lost joy, to get out of hopeless places, into hope again.  It is desirable as a beautiful skin oil that stimulates new cell growth, while regenerating aging skin.  It can be added to olive, jojoba or grapeseed oil to make the skin youthful and healthy!  Neroli is wonderful to add to a cup of Dead Sea Salts or Epsom (magnesium) salt in the bathtub and to have an emotionally-uplifting bath with its anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects.  For PMS use 7 drops Neroli in 3 T. honey seven days prior to onset of menstruation.  It is helpful for people who have become thin-skinned, helps to strengthens the inner-will, and helps with test-anxiety (2 drops essential oil in ½ t. honey 3 x daily).  The same dosage helps control chronic diarrhea.

 Orange essential oil helps bring out the positive inner child in each of us - when we just feel like we are not having any fun in life.  Orange is helpful to bring optimism.  It is beautiful in the diffuser to uplift the emotions in the air as it is breathed in, and it blends well with Lemon, Pink Grapefruit, and even Cinnamon and Clove for the Holiday blues.  It has a cleansing effect on the body tissues and can be put into water as a drink to both uplift the spirits and to reduce dehydration.  It is also wonderful with Neroli added to it – 3 drops each with some honey, to reduce obesity and water retention.  Orange can be skin darkening when the skin is exposed to the sun, so it is best applied to areas of the body that are covered.

Frankincense essential oil has a powerful positive effect on the nervous system, as well as is anti-carcinogenic and wound-healing.  It heals wounds emotionally and physically.  It is very conducive to prayer and meditation, as it has the ability to slow down the mortal brain, open the spiritual brain, and deepen the breath.  It is anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, reduces nervous tension and reduces stress response.  Many people use 2-3 drops under their tongue to help them replace depression medications (use only premium, therapeutic grade).  It encourages tranquility, insight, and helps us to find our spiritual self.  Apply on the crown of the head, on the big toes, on the heart area, and on the back of the neck.  Tastes bitter, due to the tannins, but some people crave it.

Make your own TLC blend by combining equal drops of essential oils of Tangerine, Orange, Grapefruit pink, Ylang Ylang, Rose, and Rosewood.  This blend helps with nurturing - -  feeling the safety and love of a mother, as well as helping us to be able to nurture others.  It helps overcome grief, loss, depression, anxiousness, self-doubt, fear of the unknown, and helps us to feel peace.  Apply liberally at bedtime, but during the daytime use, make sure to use it in areas of the body that are not exposed to the sun, as the citrus oils in the blend can be skin-darkening when the skin is in the sun.  Wonderfully cleansing (both the air and the emotions) when adding 9 drops in a diffuser and diffused into a room.  Helpful when applied to the bottoms of the feet, especially the big toes, then hold fingers under nose and inhale deeply.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Look at the remains of a campfire that used wood from oak, elm or ash trees.  It would appear that the logs had been completely consumed by the fire and there was nothing further to use. Yet that plant (that herb) is born again as CHARCOAL with new attributes. 
Purifying Water:  When camping, good water may be hard to find, but by adding a chunk of charcoal - from your campfire into a pot of boiling water it will make the water safe to drink. Do NOT use a commercial briquette such as Kingsford -  that is pressed together with chemicals!

For treating little ones with diarrhea mix charcoal powder with bananas.

Charcoal may be given internally to detoxify and cleanse the body - as it has the ability to adsorb most drugs, excess cholesterol and triglycerides.  Most people put it into capsules, or buy capsules from a health food store.

Charcoal is rated Category I, safe and effective by the FDA for acute, toxic poisoning. Virtually every hospital across the country has charcoal on hand to deal with drug overdoses, food poisoning and other poisoning from toxic substances. Charcoal is superior to anything else for poisoning and this is proven by clinical evidence.  Time is of the essence when it comes to poisoning, and activated charcoal is more likely to reduce poison absorption if given within an hour of ingesting a poison.

Charcoal effectively neutralizes Prozac, acetaminophen, caffeine, strychnine, morphine, nicotine and aspirin.  However, it works poorly (or not at all) for strong acids and bases, alcohols and hydrocarbons such as petroleum distillates like gasoline, paint thinner and cleaning fluids.

What is commonly called stomach flu is technically not the flu.  Rather in most cases it is gastroenteritis which is an acute inflammation of the lining of the stomach. This calls for a charcoal slurry.

Charcoal is neither absorbed nor metabolized by the body but the charcoal adsorbs toxins before these poisons are able to compete with oxygen and nutrients that were trying to pass through the cell membrane. Instead of absorbing essential food elements, charcoal removes toxins that are competing with nutrients for intestinal and cellular absorption thereby promoting efficient nutrient uptake. 

Charcoal may also be used externally in poultices. The human skin has the amazing ability to allow the transfer of liquids and gases through its permeable membrane. By the application of moist charcoal compresses and poultices bacteria and poisons are drawn through the skin into the charcoal. Poultices have been found to be effective for itchy skin, infections, gangrenous ulcers, insect bites and stings. That includes the bites from brown recluse spiders, rattlesnakes, scorpions and ants.

Charcoal poultices have also been found good for the pain associated with sore throats, earaches, toothaches, irritated eyes, sprains, inflammations and bruises. Any area that is red, painful, swollen and hot responds to charcoal.  Pain produced by cancer, whether in the bone, abdomen or elsewhere, may be controlled with a charcoal poultice.

The combination of flaxseed and charcoal is one popular way to make a poultice. Flaxseed, when powdered or boiled, acts as a binder for the charcoal - and Flaxseed has its own healing virtues. A poultice can also be made with just plain water, K-Y Jelly, hand lotion or herbs such as Hops, Slippery Elm or Golden Seal.

Charcoal is also used for:
  • Purification processes, respirators, air conditioning systems and in the clean-up of waste gases. 
  • Cleaning soil of contaminants and as a soil conditioner.
  • A substitute for lime because of its high pot ash content. 
  • In a toolbox to help keep tools dry and rust-free. 
  • In the house where there is a problem with odor, mildew or mold - inhibiting bacterial andviral growth.
  • Treating nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and controlling flatulence.
  • An adjuvant to taking herbs (Works well in conjunction with herbs)..
  • Whitening teeth, helping infected gums and toothache
When you are concerned about what remedy will work and what will not that there is no worry of compounding problems with charcoal as there is with most drugs. Charcoal powder acts like a sponge to quickly eliminate most toxins from the body allowing the body to better handle the much lower amounts of toxins which remain.

While charcoal may greatly benefit some as a general detoxifier for a couple of months, it is not meant to be taken as a daily supplement. It helps to restore health if used along with good health practices and a nutritional diet.

Much of the information for this article came from Charcoal Remedies.com by John Dinsley

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


12 Herbs to use to Reduce Antibiotic Usage

Systemic Herbs (for resistant staph, MRSA, tuberculosis and malaria)
  • Cryptolepis (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta)
  • Sida (Sida acuta)
  • Alchornea (Alchornea cordifolia)
  • Bidens (Bidens pilosa)
  • Artemisia (Artemisia annua)
  • Garlic
Non-Systemic Herbs (for resistant infections of the GI tract, urinary tract and skin. Goldenseal is also particularly active against most food poisoning bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella.
  • American goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
  • Juniper (Juniperus spp.)
  • Usnea (Usnea spp.)
  • Honey
Synergistic Herbs (increase the activity of other herbs, i.e. boost inactive resistant bacteria mechanisms, increase the presence of antibacterial agents in the body and enhance immune function.
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra and G. uralensis)
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  • Black pepper (Piper nigrum and P. longum)
Taken from:  Stephen Harrod Buhner, Herbal Antibiotics (Storey Publishing, 2011

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

GARLIC - POWERFUL for the GUT - Antibacterial, Disease Preventer

Garlic has many health benefits, but one of the most unusual is that it’s one of the few foods considered to be a prebiotic—the food eaten by probiotics (the healthful bacteria in our digestive tracts).  By supporting these beneficial bacteria, garlic helps support the many health benefits of a healthy microbiome (our population of beneficial bacteria).  

Current research shows that good bacteria in the gut helps prevent chronic diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, as well as ward off mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.  Garlic is very high in inulin, a type of fructan beneficial gut bacteria such as Bifido and Lactobacilli like to consume. Up to 16% of a garlic clove is inulin, so when consuming garlic, you’re getting a great dose of both the anti-bacterial compounds and prebiotic effect at the same time.

Garlic also appears to help lower high blood pressure. A 2015 analysis found garlic is a safe and effective treatment for hypertension.  It’s also effective for lowering cholesterol, according to a 2013 meta-analysis.  In addition, garlic has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and some evidence suggests it may decrease the risk of certain types of cancer, especially cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.   Garlic also is an antibacterial super food ! 

Good for when the virus season hits. A great cold, cough and sore throat remedy  You won’t have to resort to immune-suppressing, artificial-flavouring laden, over-the-counter medication.

  • 10 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 3 T. fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 heaped t. fennel seeds (optional)
  • 1 heaped t. caraway seeds (optional)
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/3 cup of a good quality raw (unheated) honey
Gently warm the seeds (if using) in the vinegar without boiling for a few minutes.
Place the garlic and ginger in a glass jar with a plastic lid. Do not use a metal lid as the vinegar will corrode it.
  • Pour the vinegar and seeds into the jar. Replace the lid and shake to stir.
  • Shake the mixture 1-2 daily for 1-2 weeks.
  • After 2 weeks, strain all the herbs using a cheesecloth.
  • Add the honey and mix well.
  • Place in a clean jar and replace the lid. Add a label with date and name of preparation.
  • Store in a dark cupboard or a dark amber glass jar until needed.
For colds, coughs, sore-throats and flu-like symptoms take:
Adults: 1 tsp every 1-3 hours depending on severity of symptoms.
Children: 1/2 tsp every 2 hours.

When cooking with garlic, after you mince or press garlic, let it rest about 10 minutes before cooking.  Crushing releases the enzyme alliinase, which then produces allicin.  Alliinase is heat sensitive and is lost in the cooking process, so if you chop then fry your garlic straight away you won’t get any allicin and therefore no health benefits. The health benefits in garlic come from a chemical reaction that happens once garlic is crushed or pressed, and you need to allow time for that to happen.


WHOLE PLANT EATING?  What do you know about the human microbiome, the 100 trillion microbes that inhabit our bodies, creatures that happen to be key to our health and wellbeing?  This topic has flooded the scientific literature and popular media for quite a few years - and it wakens us to our symbiotic relationship with some of the smallest creatures on this planet - - creatures we house in our own bodies.
There are multi-dimensional ways a whole food, plant-based diet helps prevent and reverse most of the chronic diseases experienced in Western societies today, such as heart disease, diabetes, strokes, cancer, kidney disease, and osteoporosis.  In fact, a whole food, plant-based diet can also help prevent (and possibly help reverse) many more of the chronic diseases that have skyrocketed in recent decades, including allergies, food intolerances, gastrointestinal disorders, and the long list of devastating autoimmune diseases (such as Crohn’s disease, type I diabetes, eczema, Grave’s, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, MS, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis).
The Threat to our Microbiome
By changing our diets, we can change our microbiome. This is important because our Western lifestyle is seriously threatening the number, type, and diversity of microbes in our body. Considering that our microbes are a key link in everything from our digestion, to our metabolism, to our immune system, to our central nervous system . . . threats to the health of our microbiome affects every part of our biology.  Obviously, we can’t afford to stand idly by while it is under threat.
Many of the types of useful microbes that used to inhabit the bodies of our ancestors no longer inhabit our bodies. In other words, we are losing part of a precious heritage handed down to us from generations of those who have gone before us. What will be the long-term consequence of such a loss? We are becoming aware of the unintended consequences of losing whole populations of creatures and plant life out in the wild, but what about the unintended consequences of losing whole populations inside our bodies? What will the consequences be for our children who will inherit our diminished microbiome? And what about their children?
The symbiotic relationship we have developed with these creatures has existed from the beginning of humankind. We are so dependent on these little bugs that our bodies can no longer perform many of the functions we have delegated to them. These microbes are as important to our body as our liver, pancreas, thyroid, and other organs. In fact, some researchers are calling the microbiome the “forgotten organ.” In other words, it is not optional appendage that we can neglect without consequence.
As our microbiome is threatened, chaos ensues in our body. If this were irreversible, we’d all be in deep trouble! Fortunately, just as diet and lifestyle can put these microbes at risk, so diet and lifestyle can re-establish their health and vitality.
In one study, 20 rural South Africans were put on a high-fat, high-meat diet (including hot dogs, hamburgers, and fries).  At the same time, 20 African-Americans on put on a high fiber African diet with lots of corn porridge, beans, and fruit. According to the research— Changes occurred quickly. Inflammation of the colon, which increases the risk of cancer, decreased in the African-Americans on the African diet; and it increased in the Africans on the American diet. Production of the fermentation by-product butyrate, thought to prevent colon cancer, increased in those eating African fare, and declined in those eating American-style.
So while the South Africans on a fiber-poor, meat- and fat-fed microbiome, experienced threats to their microbiomes, the African Americans on a healthy fiber rich diet actually began to reverse the decades of dysbiosis in their bodies!  This is the good news!  Now, the bad news.
When Temporary Losses May Become Permanent
The obvious bad news is that we see little evidence of widespread change to rescue the imperiled state of our microbiome. In fact, what we see is continuing widespread popularity of Atkins, Paleo, Ketogenic, and other low-carb fads that promote diets that are the exact opposite of what will nurture a healthy microbiome. 
When we pass through the birth canal, we are slathered in our mother’s microbes, a kind of starter culture for our own community. In this case, though, pups born to mice on American-type diets—no fiber, lots of sugar—failed to acquire the full endowment of their mothers’ microbes. Entire groups of bacteria were lost during transmission. When . . . these second-generation mice [were put] on a fiber-rich diet, their microbes failed to recover. The mice couldn’t regrow what they’d never inherited. And when these second-generation animals went on a fiber-less diet in turn, their offspring inherited even fewer microbes. The microbial die-outs compounded across generations.
. . . what this experiment suggests is that by failing to adequately nourish key microbes, the Western diet may also be starving them out of existence.
It is one thing to know that we in the Western world are losing the microbial heritage we received from our ancestors, it is another to realize that we may be giving our children a permanently diminished heritage. If this continues, the children of this generation may never be able to recover the microbiome that protected their ancestors against many of the destructive, life-threatening diseases we are experiencing today. The types of diseases linked to an unhealthy microbiome are, in many cases, devastating diseases that can begin in childhood and cause confusion and chaos throughout a person’s life.
There are many threats to our microbiome, including how we were born, what we were fed as infants, over-sanitization of our bodies and living environments, and widespread use of drugs and chemicals (especially antibiotics).   Some of these factors we can’t change now, but others we can do something about it.

For Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), this topic is especially compelling.  The diet needed for a healthy microbiome is the same whole food, plant-based diet that the Jesus Christ revealed to Joseph Smith in 1833, long before the scientific world knew anything about the human microbiome!  The health code in the "Word of Wisdom" found in Doctrine and Covenants section 89 (D&C 89) teaches to eat plant foods in times of their season.  Jesus Christ teaches that He ordained wholesome (“whole”) plant foods for our “constitution, nature, and use,” with grains ordained as “the staff of life”.  Meat is ordained to be used “sparingly” and preferable only in times of need. This is the very definition of a whole food, plant-based high fiber diet that can help our healthy bacteria to thrive.  https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/89?lang=eng
Our Low Fiber Diet Can’t Support a Healthy Microbiome
The healthy gut bacteria in our bodies thrive only on dietary fiber, and dietary fiber is only found in whole plant foods. It is completely absent from animal foods and is the first thing that is tossed out when foods are refined. So the typical Western diet, high in animal foods and processed foods, is the very definition of a low fiber diet.
The two most dramatic changes to our diets in the last 200 years is the transition from whole foods to processed foods and from plant foods to animal foods. Why this change? Basically, we humans love rich foods that are easily digestible. This has led to a dramatic decrease in the amount of fiber we consume.
Since 1970, our overall consumption of grain has risen, but the vast majority is refined grains. Likewise, our consumption of fruits and vegetables has risen somewhat, but most of it is processed, and we are still getting far less than the already relatively low target set by the U.S.D.A. What else has risen? Foods that are not healthful to our microbiome and harmful to human health: added sugars, added fats, and animal foods of all kinds (meat, dairy, and eggs).
Our distant ancestors likely consumed between 100–200 grams of fiber a day.   That may well be the optimal nourishment for a healthy microbiome, yet compare that with the average American diet of a paltry 16 grams a day.   No wonder we have seen skyrocketing rates of disease related to a diminished microbiome!
How many people do you know are concerned enough about their microbiome to make sure they get enough fiber in the foods they eat every day? If the people you know resemble the average person in America, they are paying relatively little attention to the amount of fiber in their diet and yet quite a lot of attention to the amount of protein. Everyone in America, it seems, is concerned about “getting enough protein”! The irony is that nearly everyone (this include vegetarians and vegans) are getting more protein than their bodies can actually use. At the same time, nearly everyone (except vegans) are consuming far less fiber than even the inadequate amounts recommended by the USDA. (For details, see this video on protein and fiber.)
The Lord teaches in the Word of Wisdom that this eating and health code is “the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days” (D&C 89:2) and that it was given in “consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days”. Those who keep these saying are promised they’ll run and not be weary, find hidden treasures, and “the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them” (D&C 89:21).

If we take the Lord at His word and fully embrace His wisdom we will receive these promised blessings. Let us save our microbial heritage and teach our children to do the same. Let us safeguard our health and the health of our children that we may accomplish the mighty work we are called to perform in these the last days!
Links for lists of high fiber foods  and “Getting Started on a Whole Food, Plant-based Word of Wisdom Diet.”

Eating whole foods is the least expensive way to eat!  It makes sense that the Lord’s diet is affordable for His children.  He designed a diet that even the poorest among us can use!  Grains are the cheapest source of calories on the planet!  Starchy vegetables, like potatoes and beans are a great source of nutrition and calories at a very low cost.  Buy fruits and vegetables in their season at the store, and they’ll be at their lowest price (they do not need to be organic to be good) - - but better yet, grow them yourself.

Adapted from "Discovering the Word of Wisdom: Let's Save Our Microbial Heritage" By Jane Birch  February 8, 2016, Meridian Magazine

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Buy salts, essential oils and Herbs at https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/#AID=117911
Image result for sea salt bath essential oils

At the first sign of a cold, sore throat, flu (weak legs, aching body) get home as quickly as you are able and get into a hot bath with the following: 

Sea Salt Bath for Colds and Flu

2 cups Sea salt or Epsom salt
5 drops Ravensara essential oil
5 drops Rosemary essential oil
5 drops Tea Tree essential oil
5 drops Eucalyptus radiata essential oil
5 drops Lemon essential oil
Combine ingredients in a glass container. Fill bath with water as hot as you are able to handle.  Add Sea Salt blend, stir water, and stay in bath for as long as you are able (30 minutes).  When you get out, towel blot dry.  Put 2 drops of Ravensara and Eucalyptus on the bottoms of your feet and top with thick cotton or wool socks.  Go to bed immediately and pile on the blankets.  Drink plenty of Vitamin C (from any source), take garlic capsules (6 at a time, 4 times per day).  You will awaken well - when others around you are sick.  Enjoy!

Massage Oil for Colds

1 ounce Grapeseed oil (or your favorite carrier oil)
6 drops Rosemary essential oil
6 drops Ravensara essential oil
3 drops Ginger essential oil
5 drops Lemon essential oil
Mix ingredients in an amber dropper bottle or spray bottle.  Rub over chest, upper back, neck and shoulders. Apply morning and evening, or as needed.

Steam Inhalation (if you do not have a diffuser)

4 cups Water
4 drops Eucalyptus radiata essential oil
2 drop Rosemary essential oil
2 drops Lemon essential oil
Heat water. Remove from stove and add essential oils. Place a towel over your head and lean over steaming water. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Close your eyes to avoid irritation. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Orange Essential Oil Extract for Cleaning - Make it at home!

Oranges are in high season here in Arizona (late November through March) - and even their peelings are amazing!  You can make your own Vitamin C from them, and your own cleaning products!

How to Make Orange Essential Oil Extract
You will need
Orange peels
Grain alcohol or cheap vodka*
Tray, cookie sheet, or towel
Knife or food processor (the food processor/chopper is easiest)
Fabric to strain with (clean old t-shirts, dish towels or coffee filters)
Two jars, one should have a tight fitting lid
Make it

1. Eat or juice a bunch of oranges, clementines, or mandarins - - and save the peels.
2. Lay the peels on the cookie sheet, tray or towel and let them air dry (do not put them in a dehydrator or you will lose the oil!) until the peels are rock hard - - about one week to dry.
3. Use the food process/chopper/knife to cut the dry peels into small bits. Do not over process the peels in the food processor/chopper until they are mushy or you will lose the oil in the peel.
4. Add the chopped peels to the jar with the tight fitting lid and cover the peels in grain alcohol or vodka. 
5. Put into a cabinet out of the sunlight.
6. Shake the jar to release the oil several times a day for several days. The longer you let the peels steep the more orange oil you will extract.
7. Use a coffee filter to strain liquid from the orange peels and into the second jar.
8. Place a clean cloth on top of the jar of liquid. Allow the alcohol to evaporate from the jar for one week.
9.  Pour Orange Extracted essential oil into an amber glass bottle and close lid tightly.  Dark bottles help store oils best.  Light and oxygen break down citrus oils.
10. If sediment collects in the bottom of bottle, strain again.
11.  Use this oil to make your household cleaners - - using a solution of  HALF VINEGAR, HALF WATER and a healthy squirt of DAWN DISH WASHING SOAP.

If you want to purchase ORANGE ESSENTIAL OIL (which is NOT an extract, but a pressed oil) go to:
Leather furniture cleaner - Moisturize leather furniture with a mixture of  1⁄4 cup flax seed oil, 1⁄2 cup white vinegar and 1 to 2 drops orange essential oil. Place the ingredients in a glass jar with a lid. Cover and shake before using. Apply with a soft, clean cloth. Rub the mixture on one small area at a time and buff until the surface dries. 
Insect-repellent glass cleaner  Combine 2 cups white vinegar with 10 drops sweet orange essential oil in a labeled spray bottle. Use it to clean windows and mirrors.  Shake well before each use.
Almond Milk  Put a delicious zing in your almond milk by adding a few drops of orange oil. Soak 2⁄3 cup raw almonds and 4 soft dates (pitted) in 2 cups water overnight. Blend with 2 more cups water until smooth. Add 1 drop cinnamon essential oil and 4 drops orange essential oil, then pour through a mesh strainer or nut milk bag. Serve warm or chilled.

I have ARIZONA SWEETS available now!  Delicious, sweet and beautiful oranges!  They are picked and available for you!  $5 for a 5 gallon bucket.  Email me at botanicaleducation@gmail.com.  Queen Creek, Arizona
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