Rains came in February - the freezes came too and spectacular desert wildflowers will have been delayed this year!
The germination of seeds, and the plants that come from them are miraculous to those of us who do not fully understand the powers of creation! The Earth provides what we need, and it is our responsibility to learn how to use what God has given to us for health and for happiness!
With all the news on high costs of medicine, food prices surging, and world unrest, it is comforting to know that the Earth is bounteous! We just need to learn how to use its bounty!
Join us for our annual DESERT HERB CLASS - a 2-mile hike to the Petroglyph Falls - where we will learn about the herbs, food and healing that is provided by the plants in our southwest area. We will meet at The GOOD EGG, April 9th (Saturday) at 8:30 am and drive together to the site. Bring your lunch, water, hat, sunglasses, notebook and pen. This is a beautiful, sacred and historical site in Arizona, and a wonderful place to study the gifts of the desert! The class will finish at 3:30 pm. Those who are certifying will receive the class manual, which is included in the $75 registration fee.
If you need to drive separately, meet us at the trailhead - which is erroneously named Hieroglyphics Trail - out of Gold Canyon. Take US 60 East, leaving the city limits. After passing Apache Junction area, continue approximately 3 miles until you are in the Gold Canyon area. The 2nd main light will be KINGS RANCH ROAD. Turn RIGHT on Kings Ranch Road and drive 2.7 miles until you reach BASELINE Road. Turn RIGHT on Baseline and continue .2 miles until you reach MOHICAN road, where you turn LEFT. Drive .2 miles again and turn LEFT on VALLEY VIEW road - which will turn into WHITETAIL road. Follow Whitetail road .6 miles until you reach CLOUDVIEW road - where you will drive .5 miles into the parking lot of the trailhead.

Join us for our annual DESERT HERB CLASS - a 2-mile hike to the Petroglyph Falls - where we will learn about the herbs, food and healing that is provided by the plants in our southwest area. We will meet at The GOOD EGG, April 9th (Saturday) at 8:30 am and drive together to the site. Bring your lunch, water, hat, sunglasses, notebook and pen. This is a beautiful, sacred and historical site in Arizona, and a wonderful place to study the gifts of the desert! The class will finish at 3:30 pm. Those who are certifying will receive the class manual, which is included in the $75 registration fee.
If you need to drive separately, meet us at the trailhead - which is erroneously named Hieroglyphics Trail - out of Gold Canyon. Take US 60 East, leaving the city limits. After passing Apache Junction area, continue approximately 3 miles until you are in the Gold Canyon area. The 2nd main light will be KINGS RANCH ROAD. Turn RIGHT on Kings Ranch Road and drive 2.7 miles until you reach BASELINE Road. Turn RIGHT on Baseline and continue .2 miles until you reach MOHICAN road, where you turn LEFT. Drive .2 miles again and turn LEFT on VALLEY VIEW road - which will turn into WHITETAIL road. Follow Whitetail road .6 miles until you reach CLOUDVIEW road - where you will drive .5 miles into the parking lot of the trailhead.

Email our office at www.botanicaleducation@gmail.com to let us know that you will be joining us. Bring a new friend who has not attended our classes before and your registration is reduced to $50 each! We are excited for this special day - which many students say is their favorite of all the classes!