It was an exciting day to receive the Distiller that we had ordered quite some time ago! I was growing concerned as I watched the heat begin in Arizona, and worried that I would miss the Chamomile harvest. I had already harvested massively for my Herbal Calming and Uplifting formula, and it was nearly ready to be strained. However, I harvested a trial batch of Chamomile for my first distilling experience!
It was amazing to see the amount of Hydrosol that came off the plant in comparison to the few drops of Chamomile! During the distilling process the Blue Azulene forms and the essential oil is very distinctive to see, floating on top of the Hydrosol. I AM EXCITED TO TEACH ABOUT HYDROSOL, AS IT HASN'T BEEN PART OF MY CURRICULUM UP TO THIS POINT! You can surely know why a pure, organic German Chamomile (Magtricaria recutita) is so costly - and you can be assured that if you have a bottle that was less than $60 for 10 ml that you DO NOT HAVE A PURE ESSENTIAL OIL!