Botanical Education Foundation provides premium Holistic education and Certification programs for those desiring to work in the surging field of Holistic Nutrition, Herbs, Essential Oils and Emotional Wellness. Our goal is to provide knowledge and power to people who are interested in helping themselves and their families or who want to make a difference in the world! Botanical Education provides the highest quality teachers, classes and certification programs available.
Our phone number is: 480-331-9355
Please call us with any questions or email us at
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jacque- I just wanted to thank you for teaching us such a great class last week... It came in handy today! My husband felt something pop in his back yesterday at work, but was not feeling too bad last night. Today, however, he could barely move...Extreme pain. He had hurt his back as a young adult, and the last time it went out it was very costly. ..Urgent Care, MRI's, months of Physical Therapy... Today, with the information that I learned from the Level 2 Essential Oils Certification class, I was able to make a pain/therapy blend to help his severe back spasm and give him some relief. I prayed that I would know what to use...grabbed the class hand-out and made a blend... I added some extra oils to the Chiro Care blend that you had given us and applied the oils to his back and feet and then used a warm compress. I also called my Dad and Uncle to give him a blessing! After a few applications he came, walking out - Not his usual gait, but he was up right and not grimacing in pain! By tonight he is remarkably better. I'm so thankful for your classes. Love you for sharing, even though it it sooo much work! Worth every penny I pay- C
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tea Tree and Lavender Save Cost of Trips to the Doctor
It has been over a year since I attended my first class with Jacque. I knew what she was teaching was true, that we truly do create the environment of our lives, and she had information toat would help me to make wise choices as a mother for my health and the health of my family. Since that meeting I have been more confident in my journey to better health. I have learned to choose wisely with Jacque's help along the way. I have seen many miracles, however big or small, in myself and others since learning about essential oils. Example: My 2 year old daughter was teething, had pink eye, and a yeast infection all at the same time. I knew that Tea Tree with Lavender and a carrier oil would help the yeast infection and that Lavender highly diluted would help the pink eye. I called Jacque to make sure I understood how to use both, and also for my peace of mind. Both conditions only lasted two days, and we didn't have to go to the doctor once. I know I can help my family more now as I continue to educate myself with Jacque. It has been an amazing blessing in my life. Thank you Jacque." Stacy
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2010 Health & Wellness Career Training Expo
2010 Health & Wellness Career Training Expo - Saturday, January 23 at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Tempe, AZ
Wellness - The Biggest Opportunity of the 21st Century
In the next 10 years, an additional $1 trillion of the U.S. economy will be devoted to the Wellness industry - defined as 'the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.' The Wellness business is proactive. People voluntarily become customers - to feel healthier, to reduce the effects of aging, and to avoid becoming customers of the sickness business. Everyone wants to be a customer of this earlier stage approach to health.
For more information visit
Wellness - The Biggest Opportunity of the 21st Century
In the next 10 years, an additional $1 trillion of the U.S. economy will be devoted to the Wellness industry - defined as 'the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.' The Wellness business is proactive. People voluntarily become customers - to feel healthier, to reduce the effects of aging, and to avoid becoming customers of the sickness business. Everyone wants to be a customer of this earlier stage approach to health.
For more information visit
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Passport to The World of Aromatherapy
Essential Oils Certification Level 1 Class graduated Saturday, January 9, 2010. An amazing group of individuals who began classes in August 2009, learned "Blend Like an Egyptian", with the history of of ancient and sacred essential oils like Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood..., then on to Europe and France to study Lavender, Rose... and Artistic blending methods, then to Australia for Therapeutic blending methods, to India for Perfume blending, and to the California Spa, for Citrus and US spa blending and therapies.
"The Level 1 classes have been an enriching part of my life and have taken my learning to a new and exciting level! Jacque presents the material in a logical, fun and organized way that makes it easy to understand. The student manuals cotain valuable information that I can refer back to until I have it memorized.
The hands-on projects and blending assignments heightened my learning in a way that could not have been learned if I were to read a book or watch someone else do it. It is evident that Jacque cares about each student and goes out of her way to make sure that we have a welcoming and comfortable environment to learn in.
Jacque always prepares a delicious, healthy lunch that ties into the history that we are studying about. I would recommend this class to anyone who is in search of an in-depth understanding of the history, distillation process, chemistry, safety and uses for a wide variety of essential oils. You will not be disappointed!" Cindy S, Gilbert AZ
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

For nearly a century we thought that we could eat and drink anything that we wanted - living on "Fast Foods" and "Processed" foods - and then we could go to the doctor and he would "fix" us. We also exposed ourselves to every kind of modern chemical compound that we could find - thinking that our skin would protect us from every exposure. We also removed ourselves from nature - became more Privileged and less active - away from the sun, the soil and the plants - until we have become one of the sickest nations on earth. We have created syndroms and diseases that never existed before - all in the name of ease, privilege and comfort.
BOTANICAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION came to fruition as I have taught classes, attended many classes, worked with clients in my business MILLENIAL WELLNESS (see ), and as I've watched a movement called "New Age" that brought with it many untruths and a removal of God and His laws - while it was also bringing many truths from other ancient cultures with thousands of years of historical use and success. Many people today jump onto "bandwagons" and get excited just because things are presented as "new" or as "ancient teachings" without truly asking "what is truth?". I never attended a class without praying before, during and after - to know through personal revelation (which we all can receive) to know if the particular information was "truth" or, even if it was for me to share. I invite all to do likewise - with anything that I say or teach.
BOTANICAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION is a place for seekers of truth, seekers of health, seekers desiring to help others, and a seeker of Teachers who want to use their knowledge in helping to strengthen and uplift others by bringing classes that contain truth. BEF will hold all teachers and classes to the highest standards and will provide Certification programs that are of the highest standards.
Come and join me in education, efforts and choices that will help to prepare people to be strong physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Join me in education, efforts and choices that will help the people from the greatest nation on earth to be leaders for good in the world, and to be great in every way! Jacque Gurney, CNHP, HHP, THC, AAP
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